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2 hours ago by nicetryguy

I have also added hard drop to NES Tetris. Heh. What are the odds?

This hack strays further away from vanilla NES Tetris though and contains further speed, control and graphics modifications; and lacks that fancy looking ghost piece.


My approach of hard drop implementation was different, honestly i just looped the piece down routine until it hit the ground. His approach breaks the scoring system though, mine doesn't =p

Anyway, this was a great article! Nice rundown of the NES architecture.

an hour ago by stevebox

Glad you enjoyed the article! Is there a reference somewhere for how scoring should behave with respect to hard drop? I'm interested in fixing it.

22 minutes ago by nicetryguy

When a piece hits the ground, a point is added for every line you were holding the down button. So, you could probably just take the height difference of the ghost piece and the real piece and add it to the score. Remember to set carry when subtracting =p

I'll bet by directly moving the piece coordinates you bypassed this.

I really like your ghost piece =)

13 hours ago by gorkish

Why release a custom patching tool instead of a standard IPS rom patch?

12 hours ago by Karunamon

Not as fun :)

Besides, you just need the old and new roms to generate an IPS, eg. https://www.marcrobledo.com/RomPatcher.js/

And someone has already requested this: https://github.com/stevebob/mos6502/issues/1

7 hours ago by undefined


8 hours ago by stevebox

I honestly did not know that IPS existed until just now! I've added a link to download the patch.

6 hours ago by p1necone

There's a whole community out there around this stuff that you might be interested in reading about. Check out romhacking.net.

10 hours ago by wzdd

Really liked the description of the thought processes behind finding the relevant bits of code through memory inspection in this write-up.

2 hours ago by rafaelvasco

You did a great service for Humanity! Game is now much much better to play.

10 hours ago by slk500

amazing stuff! This is what hacking is about

15 hours ago by LinguaBrowse

There are a few broken images there; could those be fixed?

14 hours ago by ldjb

The animations use the WebP image format. They work for me in Google Chrome on Android, but some browsers may struggle to display them.

11 hours ago by RodgerTheGreat

Particularly in the context of low-resolution pixelated graphics using a limited color palette, WebP seems a strictly inferior choice to the universally-supported GIF.

10 hours ago by digitalsushi

I mean all the licensing and incompatibility questions aside, one very cool thing about these newer formats is they (intentionally? unintentionally?) reduce our carbon footprint a little bit, by trying to save delivery costs.

It would be pretty neat if my mac could make a thumbnail of a webp on my desktop, though. I mean without installing software, overriding security policies, or turning it into a developer laptop.

10 hours ago by loloquwowndueo

8 hours ago by stevebox

I just changed the graphics from webp to gif which should address this problem!

8 hours ago by RodgerTheGreat

Thank you!

14 hours ago by Grustaf

Maybe someone can reverse engineer the webpage and fix them?

14 hours ago by nuller

I am an html expert. I can help!

13 hours ago by dubcanada

What browser are you using? Most support animated WebP so you must be using something old?

13 hours ago by shakna

Safari on macOS doesn't support animated WebP [0] except for Big Sur and later, which is pretty recent.

[0] https://caniuse.com/webp

11 hours ago by smoldesu

Thanks for sharing this website, it's insane how far behind the curve Safari is on... well, every technology.

12 hours ago by jwandborg

According to that page, Safari for Mac OS is at least one step behind every major browser except IE. I think it's fair to ask whether the images are broken or the Safari release process is broken.

13 hours ago by atum47

The show piece at the bottom is kinda cheating, right? One of Tetris challenge is to visualize where the piece will land. Nice project never the less.

13 hours ago by bubblesorting

Depends on what rule book you're using :) Ghost pieces default to `on` in Guideline Tetris.

an hour ago by Wowfunhappy

They also mandate EasySpin/Infinity, which breaks the game, so I basically don’t trust anything the say. >:)

10 hours ago by digitalsushi

I think that today we're just admiring the custom paint job on an old commuter car, and not the design of the car itself.

8 hours ago by atum47

No doubt about that. As I said, it is a nice project. My comment about "cheating" was directed to the player not to the designer of the project. I had the physical game [1] as a child and I don't remember it having the ghost piece.

1 - https://www.google.com/search?q=tetris+original+console&bih=...

12 hours ago by jrrrr

It's a challenge, but it's an uninteresting one.

10 hours ago by undefined


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