

Select Projects

Staff Design

A collection of interviews exploring how product designers navigate the individual contributor path to its highest levels.

My Stack

A curated list of my favorite tools and software.

Security Checklist

Tools and resources for staying safe on the internet.


Internet things, saved for later.


Ask me anything.

Better Hacker News

A better Hacker News.

App Dissection

In-depth explorations of visual and interaction design in well-known apps.

Design Details Podcast

A weekly conversation about design process and culture, co-hosted with @marshallbock.

389: Better Design Reviews

This week, we talk about how to have better design reviews. Who, what, where, and when? We share our experiences, and frustrations, with certain formats and processes. In The Sidebar, we try to answer the question: WTF is up with NFTs?

4 days ago

388: Design Tips and Tricks, Part 2

This week, we cover part two of our design tips and tricks series. We talk about naming conventions, thinking in divs, structuring frames, and share a few Figma pro-tips. In The Sidebar, we talk about design content overload.

1 week ago

387: Design Craft Tips & Tricks

This week, we dig into specific tips and tricks to level up your craft game: how to leverage tools to make faster iterations, stay organized, and allow your mocks to easily scale over time. In The Sidebar, we dig into how to give design critique without having full problem or product context.

2 weeks ago

386: Designing with Grid Systems

This week, we talk about designing with grid systems. In particular: when grid systems break, and what to do when they don’t align with our hardware screens perfectly. In The Sidebar, we talk all about design debt: how to work with it, pay it down, and eventually learn to accept it.

3 weeks ago

385: Raising Your Team’s UI Bar

This week, we talk about strategies and tactical tips for elevating a team’s bar to design high quality interfaces. In The Sidebar, we talk about how to transition from web to mobile design.

1 month ago

Check out all the episodes →

Figma plugins

Dominant Color Toolkit

Generate a palette from an image to magically populate your designs.


Quickly test your designs across multiple device sizes.

iOS Export Settings

Applies the correct export settings for every required iOS App Icon size and density.

Export .zip

Easily export assets from Figma directly into a .zip file.

GitHub Data

Populate data from GitHub into Figma mocks

See my Figma profile →

Open source work


The code that powers this website you’re looking at.

withspectrum / spectrum

Simple, powerful online communities.

designdetails / designdetails

The code that powers Design Details.

specfm / spec-next

A podcast network to help designers and developers level up.

Follow me on GitHub →